Established as the name of Kukdong Ki-Yeon Co.,Ltd.
Completion of the Daejeon Plant and Opening of the Yeouido Office
Sales and technical partnership, R&D production launch with Japanese Maker(NITCHI Corporation)
Technical partnership with Japanese Maker (HONKO Corporation) for wire rope winches.
Designated as a company for SME modernizaton practice by KOSME
Designated as a promising SME by the Industrial Bank of Korea.
Successful Localization of Chain Hoists - EC and MH Types
Establishment of Subsidiary Kukdong Chain Industry Co., Ltd. - Joint Venture with Japanese Investment Company NITCHI Co.
Awarded the Presidential Industrial Medal - Development of domestic production of electric hoist
Established the Kukdong Research and Development Center under the Ministry of Science and Technology.
Relocated factory to its current location in Haebong-ro 119, Danwon-gu, Ansan City (Seonggok-dong).
Business partnership with MANNESMANN DEMAG, Germany
Selected as a leading technology enterprise by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy.
Designation as a Military Service Exemption Company
Subsidiary Geukdong Industrial Machinery Co., Ltd. Begins OEM Production of Tower Cranes
Achieved NT-Mark (New Technology Mark) for developing a Mini Hoist (certified by the Ministry of Industry and Resources).
Utility Patent Model (No. 085226: Mini Hoist Slip Clutch) - Registered with the Korean Intellectual Propert office
Received the Industry-University-Research Cooperation Award.
ISO 9002:1994 Certification obtained from SMICC
CE Mark certification (KD Type) from TUV Rheinland.
S Mark certification (KD Type) from the Industrial Safety Research Institute.
Designated as a priority export support enterprise by the Gyeonggi SME Export Support Center.
Recognized for export company development support by Gyeonggi Province.
UDT Mark certification (KD Type, KE Type) from Poland.
Achieved ISO 9001:2000 certification from QEC-KOREA.
Awarded the Human Brand Award in the New Technology category by the Kukmin Daily.
Development of BLDC type Mini Hoist.
Awarded the Million Dollar Export Tower
Introduced 3D design program, initiating 3D design operations.
Changed corporate name to Kukdong Hoist Co., Ltd.
Won the International Standard Management Grand Prize in the Technical Management category, awarded by KMAR.
CE Mark certificaton for ECW-3M type obtained from TUV Reinland
CE Mark certificaton for KD type, KDT type, KDL type, KDTL type obtained from TUV Reinland
CE Mark certification for KDW-2 type, KDTW-2 type obtained from TUV Reinland
CE Mark DOC certification for KD(T)(L)-2(M) type
CE Mark certification for: KD(T)(L)-1(M) type obtained form TUV Reinland
Launching ERP System
Selected as an Excellent Success Case Company for E-Trade Marketing in 2011
CE Mark certification for KC-70A type, LB-90A type obtained form TUV Reinland
Awarded the Proud Enterpreneur award from Ansan City
Featured on Pax Economy TV (Asia Economy TV) Close-Up Corporate Field Episode 1896
Received the 2022 Korea Innovation & POWER KOREA Award in the innovative enterprise category.
Honored with the Ansan City Small Business Management Award.
Registered as a contractor for mechanical facility construction in Ansan City.
Qualified supplier of materials (cranes and hoists up to 180 tons) for Korean 5 power generation companies.
ISO 9001:2015 certification (Expand certification and including factory of crane obtained from ECAAS
ISO 14001:2015 certification (Environmental Management) obtained form ECAAS
ISO 45001:2018 certification (Occupational Health and Safety) obtained from ECAAS